A business intelligence dashboard is a tool for data visualization that works by bringing into display, the most recent status of metrics. It also displays, for an enterprise, the key performance indicators, also referred to as KPIs. If at all you want numbers and metrics consolidated and arranged on a single screen, then you are definitely bound to find the call tracking tools pretty handy. There are even instances in which scorecards on performance are displayed on the same screen.

There are ways in which they may be specially tailored and made to handle only one. If this is done, they will only display metrics which are targeted towards either a lone point of view or a single department.

  1. Features of the business intelligence dashboard

The BI dashboard has got some features which may be very useful to a user. One of the most essential features is that it comes with a customizable interface. You can therefore tailor the interface to meet the unique needs of your company. Another very interesting feature of the BI dashboard is the fact that it makes it possible to get real time information from multiple bases.

  1. Where to acquire the business intelligence dashboard

Getting the BI dashboard is not as complex as it may seem to be. If you are looking for it from a vendor, you may be able to acquire it from Oracle as well as Microsoft. If for some reason or the other, you have no intentions of getting the BI dashboard from a vendor, you can as well have it created. Through business applications, Excel for instance; you can create a business intelligence dashboard successfully. There are instances in which the BI dashboard is referred to as the enterprise dashboard.

  1. The difference between the business intelligence dashboard and the performance scorecard

There are quite a number of people that often confuse the BI dashboard with the performance scorecard. The two are actually rather different. The major difference between the two is that the business intelligence dashboard shows the position based on a particular point in time. The performance scorecard on the other hand shows what progress is made over a particular period of time towards a well-defined goal.

In the resent past however, the two have been developing similarities. Take for instance; there are certain features of the dashboard that could be used to track the progress that has been made towards achieving the goal of the company. You find that this is a characteristic that is shared between them.   When elements of both the scorecard and the dashboard are contained within one product, the product is often referred to as scoreboard.